Thanks for clicking on our website; our mission is to provide a platform for individuals and local businesses to sponsor Jr. golfers who do not have the financial means to play tournament golf in local, regional or national ranked Jr. Golf events suchs as World Championships. LuckySwing is a foundation created to support Jr. golfers such as Lucky Cruz. Along the way we have learned that there are plenty of talented kids who need our help. We have been to various Jr. competitions around the US. We understand how difficult it may be for some families to participate in elite Jr. golf world. The cost of Jr. golf will only increase with age and will become more expensive to participate in those elite tournaments with college scouts. We want to raise money to support Jr. golf talent around the USA. Our goal is to assist families with travel and registeration to particpate in events at an elite level. We are reaching out to our network of friends, coaches, golf courses and local businesses in order to make donations and support our mission. Tiger Woods in his early Jr. Golf days, was supported and sponsored by NBA players with the Portland Trailblazers and other independent members of the community who saw the value of investing in our youth and Jr. Golf community.

We hope you can be a part of our mission and be part of the LuckySwing Team.

Please join.


Best Regards,

The Cruz Family


                                                          We invite you to sponsor any one (or all) of these endeavors.